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Profile Maintenance

You can update your contact information and change your login credentials at any time with digital banking.  If you need to change your address, please call one of our branches for instructions.  Click here for our branch information page.

Mobile app Desktop

Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the dashboard screen.

Profile maintenance step one screenshot

You may edit your preferred name, your email address and your phone number. 

Profile maintenance step 2 screenshot

To change your login credentials, click the menu button on the dashboard (the three lines in the upper left corner).  Select "Settings", then select "Security"

 step one change credentials screenshot

step two change credentials screenshot

Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the dashboard screen. 

screenshot showing avatar screen

Select "Profile" to update preferred name, email address, and phone numbers.

change profile screenshot

To change your login credentials, select the "Security" button..

change security screenshot